Why the sound of Ed Sheeran helps sell fries

Why the sound of Ed Sheeran helps sell fries (The Guardian)

Swedish researchers have found that specially selected songs played in a fast-food chain increased takings. It’s elevator music, 21st-century style: not Herb Alpert, piped tinnily into your local department store, but carefully curated playlists generated by algorithms and used by major restaurants, supermarkets, and retailers all over the world to entice us to spend more cash. In…

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How music makes you spend more -jesson-mata-I2Erl2cU_A4-unsplash

How MUSIC makes you spend more: Restaurants reveal a new sound system that increases profits by 10% (Daily Mail)

Researchers have created a new system called Soundtrack Your Brand The system plays music that reflects a brand’s values rather than random songs In a trial, 16 branches of Mcdonald’s implemented the system in Sweden Results showed that the soundtrack made customers spend 10 percent more    If you find yourself splashing out an extra…

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Onderzoek - door muziek van Ed Sheeran eet je meer

Onderzoek: door muziek van Ed Sheeran eet je meer (Marie Claire)

Was jij een van de lucky bastards die een concertkaartje wist te bemachtigen voor Ed Sheeran en heb jij gister van zijn concert mogen genieten in de Ziggo Dome (of ga je vanavond)? Zo niet, dan luister je waarschijnlijk ook vaak genoeg naar zijn muziek want laten we eerlijk zijn: deze man is met zijn album Divide letterlijk overal….

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Ed Sheeran fait le bonheur des fast foods!-jonathan-borba-8l8Yl2ruUsg-unsplash

Ed Sheeran fait le bonheur des fast foods! (NRJ)

Ed Sheeran est la star d’une nouvelle étude plutôt délirante. Jouer sa musique aiderait à faire vendre plus de burgers et de frites! Ed Sheeran fait encore et toujours le buzz. Mais cette fois, rien à voir avec  les ventes pharaoniques de «÷ (Divide)», son dernier album… Enfin, presque pas. Des chercheurs de la Swedish Retail…

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The right music in a restaurant can make you linger for dessert. The wrong kind will make you leave-natalia-yakovleva-o9kswzHrvMs-unsplash

The right music in a restaurant can make you linger for dessert. The wrong kind will make you leave (Quartz)

Restaurants agonize constantly over ways to eke the most money out of their customers. Dimming lights, deploying seasonal menus, and up-selling (more famously known as “Do you want fries with that?”) are all psychological tricks that many employ—and new research suggests there is another potent strategy to add to the mix. Soundtrack Your Brand, a Spotify-backed music-streaming startup, today released a massive…

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This is how Ed Sheeran's songs are being used to sell more chips

This is how Ed Sheeran’s songs are being used to sell more chips (The Irish Independent)

The sound of Ed Sheeran’s songs can encourage people to spend more money. Stores use specially curated playlists to trick our brains into spending more money. It’s a well-worn trick that’s been used for decades. Humans acquire the ability to process tempo, the speed at which music is played, early in life and stores know…

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Major restaurants installing music systems which make you spend 10pc more peter-dawn-sxZ_Ca6MkWM-unsplash

Major restaurants installing music systems which make you spend 10pc more  (The Telegraph)

Music playing in restaurants can affect whether you decide to order sides or a milkshake, a study has found. Major high street restaurant chains are signing up for a background music service that plays music and subliminally encourages customers to buy nearly 10pc more food and drinks than they would usually…. Source: The Telegraph

Why Listening to Ed Sheeran Could Make You Order Dessert-fatima-akram--xhCOgeoDSs-unsplash

Why Listening to Ed Sheeran Could Make You Order Dessert

You already know music profoundly affects your workout. (Anyone who has ever tried running on the treadmill sans headphones can attest to that.) But it turns out your tunes can affect what and how much you eat, too. Researchers at the Swedish Retail Institute teamed up with startup Soundtrack Your Brand (backed by Spotify) to…

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