#21: Quiet Mark: The True Impact Of Noise Pollution. How Brands can Prioritize to Create a Quieter, Healthier, and More Productive World through Acoustic and Architecture.
In conversation with Simon Gosling CMO at Quiet Mark.
My guest today is Simon Gosling, CMO at Quiet Mark the independent global certification program with the aim to reduce noise pollution, by leading the conversation about the impact of noise on our wellbeing and productivity. He is also the host of the “The Quiet Mark Podcast”. In this episode, Simon and I discuss the ins and outs of the true impact of living in a noisy world. Is noise pollution the next big public-health crisis? And how can brands prioritize creating a quieter, healthier, and more productive world through acoustic product design and architectural sound design?
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#1 Simon Gosling’s Inner Motivational Drive - The 3 S’s: Sex Pistols, Star Wars, and Space Invaders. (07:50)
#2 Quiet Mark: The Quiet Revolution! (13:51)
#3 How Quiet Mark Certifies Products. (19:11)
#4 The Growing Demand for Quiet: Consumers are Desperately Looking for Quieter Appliances To Eliminate Background Noise During The Work-From-Home Area. (25:25)
#5 Noise Pollution: The Invisible Pollutant That Kills Millions every Year. (29:08)
#6 Can Electric Vehicle Silence Decrease Heart Health and Noise Pollution? (38:03)
#7 Covid-19: Noise Pollution (Air Travel, Road Traffic, and Construction) Fell by 50% as the Lockdown Ringed in the Sound of Silence. (42:51)
#8 International Well Building Institute: Developing Buildings with People's Health and Wellness at the Center of Design. (55:03)
#9 Acoustics Academy: Best Practices on How Brand Leaders and Architects can Work with Product and Sound Design. (01:01:15)
#10 Sounds that Evoked Positive and Negative Memory for Simon Gosling. (01:04:58)