#6: Musimap’s Emotional AI: – Decoding the DNA of Music by Combining Human Emotions and AI to Gain Insight into Music Consumption.
In conversation with Thomas Lidy Chief Innovation Officer at Musimap.
My guest today is my friend Thomas Lidy. We met in Athens in 2018 when I was involved in the European Horizon 2020 research project FuturePulse through Soundtrack Your Brand. Thomas is from Vienna Austria and has been active in semantic audio analysis and AI-based music recognition since 2004. He has a Master of Science and has pursued a Ph.D. in computer science (which he has not finished, though) from Vienna University of Technology, where he also started his research career, focusing on Music Information Retrieval.
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#1 How Thomas Lidy’s Combined Passion for Computers and Music Brought Him to Become one of the World’s Top Experts in Music AI. (03:42 )
#2 How FuturePulse is Empowering the Music Industry with Predictive Analytics on Artists, Tracks, Playlists, and Genres with just a Few Clicks. (05:30)
#3 Semantic Audio Analysis and Music Recognition Explained. (13:25)
#4 Bridging the Gap Between Academia and Industry: Vienna University of Technology - Music Information Retrieval Research - Spectralmind #Music Bricks - Musimap. (18:22)
#5 The Successful Foundation of the Belgian B2B Music AI Company Musimap is Backed by 20 years of Human Research Combined with Audio-Processing and AI.(23:40)
#6 Becoming the “Ultimate Music Assistant” by Scientifically Decoding the DNA of Music. (26:26)
#7 A“Humanized” Algorithm = a Human Fused AI + Feedback Loops. (34:19)
#8 Is a Universal Music Taxonomy Possible? (38:57)
#9 MusiMe: You Are What You Listen to. Your Spotify Playlists Reveal Your Personality. Try it Out. https://yawylt.musimap.io/(45:13)
#10 How Emotional Artificial Intelligence Music is Revolutionizing Audio Branding, E-Commerce, and the Dating Industry. (54:11)